Friday, February 3, 2012

Hola! from the absentee blogger...

Holy smokes..I wonder if anyone will even read this. It's been FOR.E.VER. I wish I had a really good explanation for my lack of blogging, but sadly there is none. I just didn't feel like it!
So much has happened since my last post, and really it was just a lot all at once and I just didn't feel like adding a blog to the mix. BUT! I'm getting back into my groove (for now) and want to update you guys!
So...where to's a pic of me and my crew..yes the angle makes Reagan's head look super long and she might also have some snot in this shot..sigh. some of you are saying uh Soph we know some pretty awesome news you need to share...for those of you who might not know what I'm alluding to...
BAM! that my friends is a very cheesy photo (HA!) of my 24 week baby bump! and its full of this little guy
yup. got an alien in there. juuust kidding, but it is indeed a little mister. I'll hafta tell you the story about the day I found out. Its pretty sweet...some other day though.
I've had a phone with a cracked screen for six months now, our contract was pretty much up and getting a new phone would mean renewing a 2 year contract, because obviously, our commercial industry is full of weird socialist Nazi's who want your soul. ahem..sorry. But seriously, we just didn't want to do the contract route. Unfortunately, its a really tempting option when you realize that with our quickly advancing technology, an iPhone 3 is now free with a contract. free. i'm serious. because they're like, sooo outdated now.
So my amazing husband, got me an iPhone. Its like finding the long lost best friend I never knew I needed. Its pretty bad. I have an addiction. I mean c'mon! Have you seen how many FREE apps there are?!? its amazing! oh brave new world indeed....
So, with this addiction I have also discovered my phone has a pretty rockin' camera, and instagram has really rocked my's some pictures of the lil' monsters.

This last one of Emry makes me smile. she is so her daddy's girl; if you know John at all, this is a classic John foley face. She was making weird faces and I asked her to just smile normal, and this is the reaction I got. classic.
Pretty cute pictures eh?
Oh! and if you have an iPhone, look up the voxer app. Its pretty much the greatest thing to happen to me. It turns your phone into a walkie-talkie. Am I stuck in fifth grade? possibly. Buts its totally rad dude. 
I spend too much time talking with this crazy...

ha! oh I love you Aly...voxing with you is like my morning cup of coffee. from starbucks of course.
okay..well...hopefully I'll blog more soon, we start revival with Chris aulson next week, and all hell has broken loose on our family, church families etc...its been pretty astounding to tell the truth. This revival must pack some pretty serious punch, because as Sam Rice says, I can tell God is real by how very real the devil is in my life. so true.
Pray for us! and pray for my mum...her mama has been diagnosed with an untreatable, malignant brain tumor and suddenly we only have a few months left with her. I will be traveling to San Diego to say goodbye..which hurts my heart so much. But I will save that for another post.
someone comment please!!! let me know you still believe in me!!!


  1. i still believe in u! haha. man im so excited u guys r having a boy :)) eeek ! do u have any names picked? and im getting an iphone soon too.. stoked for instagram!

  2. I'm SOOOO glad you're back !!! I will read and comment every time you post !!!! oxoxoxoxo

  3. I was excited to see your blog pop up on my blogger updates! Its so much fun to read about your adorable kids and about someone else's experiences pioneering! (even if its half way around the world!)

  4. I love his little lips!!
    Mark got me a smart phone for my bday (sadly not an iPhone) and I can't remember how I survived without it...

  5. Hey Cousin Sophie! :) Missed you on here! It was soooo good to talk to you at conference! I don't think I have you're phone number because I want to text you some important news. I don't know if you have read my blog, but it's alluded to in my most recent post. If you haven't please don't because I want to text you the news myself. I will get your number from Aunt Janet. :) Miss you guys even though we've hung out only a handful of times. Kevin has mentioned Northern CA a couple of times in talking about cities and states to pioneer. So we will see what happens in May! :)

  6. checked ur blog like everyday! wanting to see ur beautiful face and here it is!!!!

  7. Yayyy so glad you got around to it :) I have missed your blogging! When you get a chance you should tell us about your new house ;) Illy told me you got one!!

  8. So excited you're back & so excited it's a boy!!! Praying for you & your sweet baby boy. I
    Figured life Must By crazy since you haven't blogged. Sorry to hear about your gradma. My mom just lost her mom on Christmas day. So so so
    Sad for my mama. My grandma is in heaven so I'm happy for her. Just sad for my momma

  9. woohoo i'm so happy you blogged! Plus you make me laugh. Praying for you and your family and hope I get to see you!

  10. Sophie, my dearest Sophie. I saw your post on my screen this morning and my heart leapt! I have thought about you everyday for a long time now. I always go to my phone, scroll through my contacts and and sit starring at an empty message with your name on the top of my screen. But what am I gonna say? How can someone put into a text message all the things I wanna say? How can I tell you that I miss you so much sometimes it hurts. How can I say that I pray for you every morning yet cant seem to even type out a simple text message? How do I say that water comes to my eyes everytime i hear someone talking about you, or your soon coming baby boy, because I'm filled to the brim with joy for you? How can I say that I miss you when I was only saved for a month before you left for Chico? When I can probably count the times I've seen you on my left hand? after starring at my screen for a long time I close the application and go on doing what ever pointless thing I was doing ten minutes before.
    But Sophie, I do miss you. I care so much for you and your family and your church and the little friendship that we do have; I love it all.
    I am so happy to see you blogging again. I see we've both been on the slacking-mobeel when it comes to blogging.
    So Im fore-warning you, dont be surprised if soon, maybe even today you turn over your new iphone and see a little green notification with an unknown number saying something cliche like "dear friend" or "long time no talk", and you can know that, it is me my friend, it is surely me :)

  11. congrats!! so glad to see you blogging again! boys are fun! again congrats!

  12. awwwhhh:) how exciting sophie:) a boy finally:) how have you guys been? your girls are getting so big gosh they are beautiful:)

  13. I figured I would check your blog today hoping for an update and announcement of your little man. I almost routinely sighed and closed the window when I realized, I was indeed NOT seeing a picture of orange poppies! Woo-hoo! An update! Praying for you guys, your church, your city, and especially your mom and grandma. So sorry to hear that is happening. Congrats on your baby boy!

  14. yeaaaa sista u live on in bloggin land... i say this in the old penguin with orange head feathers from happy feet accent... its cool believeeee u me :]

  15. I was so excited when i saw you had posted!!! haha Love you and praying for you:)
