Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Emry Addyson in Mendocino...

Mendocino was like therapy for my soul...there was something so magical and peaceful about the very still quiet of the redwoods where we stayed. There were no highways bustling with traffic, no people hurrying about, no city noises...just the wind and the rain (boy did it storm that last day!) and the smell...I can't get over that woodsy, grassy, smell...it was like breathing in pure peace. Emry is my quiet, silly, raspy voiced little brainchild. This kid is SMART! And there's such a deep concentration in her when she's trying to learn...it was so sweet to see her observing the woods and the deer...her little self traipsing through green grass and picking up sticks...playing with sand and finding sea glass on the beach for daddy...so sweet...here's her pictures.

As you can see, trying to get this child to smile nicely...well...it doesn't really happen. In fact, when she was at the fence and I asked her to smile for a picture, she literally rolled her eyes and let out a big drawn out, Mo o o o o ommm.....yes, just like a teenager. Ha. however, it really does capture her little silly personality. I love you Emmy...you make me smile so much, you have stolen my heart completely...someday you'll smile little wild thing...someday.


Patti said...

What a little doll. I'm glad you had a nice break:)

Bethany said...

Getting to Emery to smile reminds me of another Foley I know... Miss Jane Elizabeth was and still is the same when it comes to smiling for pictures! We have a professional picture of the 4 girls and jane is making fists and smiling similar to the last picture of Emery.

Love and miss you guys! Wish you could make it to the wedding, but I completely understand why you can't make it! I will be thinking of each one of you! :)

Anonymous said...

Emmy . . . so uniquely Emmy. She is such a person, in her own right. She will not be swayed. She knows her own mind . . ."that's my story and I'm sticking to it!" This goofy growly smile. Classic. I want to pinch those cheeks!

Grammy Zhanette