Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daddy and his girls...

I love how much our girls love their daddy, the scream everytime he gets home from ANYTHING because they're so excited (of course after spending a day with a tired hormonal pregnant mum, who wouldn't be excited to see someone new?)For the last three weeks, John has been on unemployment, which financially is not ideal, but oh how I have loved having him here, his presence is so good for the girls and me. Yesterday he took them over to the park to get outside in the sun, Em had an accident within five minutes of playing, hence the picture of her tears because she no longer could sit on the swings...ha...she does this everytime we go...she holds it and holds it cause she wants to play, why do I always forget a change of clothes?!?!?! Dont you love the picture Em giving John "noses"?


Patti said...

so cute, i always wanted a baby with red hair!! praying for work for Johnn, I thought he got hired somewhere?

Patti said...

John...not Johnn;)

Kenzie Rice said...

you should frame that pic of john and em!!