Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mr. John M Foley...father of 3.

Can you believe John has three little girls? Can you remember him with his bowl cut and those dark mocking eyes? I can. I remember him when I was five, when I was ten, when I was fifteen and so in love but so mean to this boy that I was head over heels crazy for, and, I'm 24, and we've begun to raise these three darling little lives together. He is such a wonderful father. So tender and in love, so proud and delighted. This journey, this fearful raising up of three lives, well, I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else. And I absolutely cannot wait to look back on it all, and see HIM reflected in the lives, decisions, characters, of our little girls three, and the children still to be had.
Happy Father's day Mister John M. I love you.

1 comment:

Kenzie Rice said...

precious post! :) you guys are wonderful parents. cant wait to see what ur girls (and future children) grow up to be like..probably amazing like their mom n dad :)happy fathers day john!