Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I love you more than...

My girls and I have this fun little game...randomly throughout the day I'll tell one of them, " I love you more than..." and insert something I really really love. It usually consists of food items or stores etc...Mailey usually loves me more than chocolate milk, which is a pretty strong contender of her affection. Emry usually picks cheerios...but this morning...well this morning was a little different.

Me: I love you more than flowers!
E: I love you more than...
M: more than....

uh...WHAT?!?!? I mean, I'm definitely glad I rank higher than dropping off the cosby kids but good golly. Of course this resulted in giggles all around, which was unfortunate, because that gave Emry the notion I want to be told that more often. So now, every minute or so, I hear, I love you  more than poo mama!
Thanks love. Really. Thanks so much.


lacy myers said...

Gotta love the poop talk :) Give her a huge hug from me!

Miss Drea said...

hehehe. thats hilarious! love it. what a little stinker. haha