Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mon petit chou I seem to only post when something has gotten me worked up enough to spew it out in words..ha. But I want this blog to also be light hearted, fun, and i'm starting a daily post, called "Mon petit chou", or, my little cabbage in french. Its a term of endearment in the romantic language, like how we call our babies our little pumpkin's or sweetheart etc...The crafting craze has seriously caught me by a storm; I am totally swept up in it. I love finding free patterns, DIY tutorials, recipes etc...I LOVE IT! So every day I will post my daily find, some will be for sewers, bakers, crafters, gardeners, mothers etc...I hope you enjoy it, I know I will, and I'll love having an archive of crafty, delicious, indulgent joy for my inner creative woman :)


I can't wait to try this!!!!

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